Simple Tips to Maintain Soil Health
The best and the most basic thing to get a healthy harvest is to work on soil health. Ask any farmer and they will tell you how important the soil is for crops as it’s a living biological ecosystem. It’s not just the soil but the combination of million microbes that set the positive environment for plants to cultivate. Remember as you sow, so shall you reap, so make sure to sow your plants in the best-worked soil.
Since we now know the importance of healthy soil for your crops, the next question is how to make it healthy? Farmers at Farmer’s Family tell us the importance of soil health and its preservation because we know healthy soil will deal with every problem and give the best produce. So, let’s have a look.
Diversity or crop rotation
Different crops/plants propose different food sources and type and require a diverse variety of nutrients and pests. Thus, it is suggested to practice crop rotation in order to keep the soil healthy and potent.
Compost reduces plant diseases, helps in better soil drainage and feeds the soil with tons of beneficial micro-organisms. It’s simple; build your own compost bin with leftover vegetables and fruits, leaves and biodegradable waste.
Cover crops
Also known as green manure, cover crops can be used to suppress weed growth, add organic matter, to fight plant-related diseases and prevent soil erosion. Barley, clover, hairy vetch, yellow mustard, etc, are some excellent cover crops that can be grown to prevent erosion and increase fertility. It also encourages the growth of earthworms and helps in maintaining soil moisture and temperature.
No chemicals
Though pesticides are used to kill the pests but it can also kill beneficial microorganisms present in the soil that are essential for a healthy produce. So until and unless it is absolutely necessary, refrain from using them or one can always consider alternatives such as horticultural oils and insecticidal soaps which have a comparatively lower impact on the microbes.
Reducing tillage
Tillage creates disturbance that harms the biological activity and organic matter decomposition. Settled soil will have a good structure and allows the rainfall to penetrate rapidly. Minimum tillage and contour tillage will also reduce soil erosion to a great extent and will help to keep the organic matter and topsoil intact. Implementing these simple yet effective techniques correctly, you can maximize the benefits of the soil and keep it healthy at the same time. There’s no doubt that these steps will help in ensuring a healthy environment for the soil and also support in a sustainable cropping system. Give these methods a try and witness the benefits yourselves; thank us later!