Fit for your kid- What nutrients does your child need?
Parents often complaint about kids being picky eaters or snackers and not consuming the nutrients that are essential for their mental and physical development. Developing a healthy eating habit in children is very imperative as this will stay with them for a lifetime. A right eating pattern is the key to fight diseases and improve body functioning.
A balanced diet will not only keep ailments at bay but also helps in stabilizing energy, improve brain functioning, lifting mood, maintaining a healthy weight and also preventing mental health condition. Every parent wants to give their child a perfect balanced diet but what exactly should a balanced diet consist, that's a million dollar question? Let’s find out the right constituents that fuel up a child's need…
In order to build muscles, tissues and immunity, proteins are mandatory for children. Milk, cheese, tofu, soya, edamame, fish, peanuts, meats, nuts, eggs, etc. are the best source of protein.
Every vitamin is essential for a child's holistic development as each protein has a significant yet different role to play.
- Vitamin A is important as it helps in maintaining proper vision, repairs tissue, skin and overall growth of a child.
- Vitamin B is essential for production of RBCs and proper functioning of metabolic activities.
- The body's tool to fight infections, strengthening tissue, muscles and healing power; vitamin C is majorly found in citrus fruits and vegetables such as tomato, broccoli, spinach, etc.
- Vitamin D maintains healthy teeth and bones and helps in absorption of minerals such as calcium. The best way to get adequate amount of vitamin D is sunlight.
Saturated and Trans fats Vegetable and nut oils, meat, dairy products, olives, avocados, etc. contain the essential vitamin E and fatty acids. They are a great source of energy and help the body to utilise other nutrients for body functioning. Healthy fats are the key to brain and nerve growth, especially in children.
For all the energy exhausted in hopping around and tiring activities, a child needs carbohydrates. Carbs come in the form of sugar and starch. Cereals, Rice, Breads, Pasta are the best source of carbohydrates.
Iron helps in building a healthy blood and carries oxygen to the cells in our body making it extremely important for children. Nuts, spinach, whole grains, cereals are some rich sources of iron.
For stronger bones and teeth, make sure a child consumes adequate amount of calcium every day. Dairy products such as milk and curd and leafy vegetables are good source of calcium.
Though making a child eat a balanced diet is herculean task the parents face, but with a few alterations and amendments you can succeed in replacing the child's junk intake with the best healthy options available. Who doesn’t love a carrot with creamy hummus or baked chips? So, all you need to do is add that twist to the child's regular meal and witness the magic happening!