Lungs are responsible to deliver oxygen to our body for further essential functioning. Sounds simple, isn’t it? But it’s a highly indispensable task for our body, thus all the more reasons to eat healthily and give proper nutrition to our lungs. It’s no surprise that people are suddenly working much harder to keep their lungs healthy amidst this deadly pandemic and pollution. After all, Lung health is a gear in the machine that makes your body work efficiently.
The compound, sulforaphane which is present in huge amount in broccoli produces protective enzymes that protect against chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases, asthma and other related respiratory ailments. Other cruciferous vegetables such as kale or cabbage also contain a good amount of sulforaphane.
The high amount of vitamin A present in apricot keeps your lungs healthy. Vitamin A supports the respiratory tract linings and also decreases the risk of other lung infections.
By adding this simplest thing to your routine, you’re protecting your lungs from many infections. Always remember, dry lungs are prone to irritation and further to infections. So have enough water every day to keep your mucosal linings hydrated.
Berries such as blueberries, acai berries, cranberries, strawberries, raspberries, etc. are rich in antioxidants, which are considered great for the lung health.
The best known natural antiseptic in Indian households, turmeric has great anti-inflammatory properties because of curcumin. It plays an important role in maintaining our lung health and helps in curing asthma, COPD, pulmonary fibrosis and other lung issues.
Ginger is a very customary and significant ingredient in many food recipes that we consume and is a mine of benefits for the lungs. The anti-inflammatory qualities in ginger relieve asthma! It is also endorsed for breaking down the mucus and dismissing it.
An apple a day not only keeps your doctor away but also keeps lung problems at bay. Studies have shown that consuming apple can reduce the risk of lung cancer and asthma. Overall, it helps in the proper functioning of the entire respiratory system and lungs.
The diet we consume or the nourishment we get affects the tubes and vessels keeping them open and clear. It’s important to consume food that lowers the inflammation and keeps the blood vessels wide open. So eat best, eat fresh, and keep your lungs healthy.

Water chestnut is a common autumn-winter season fruit that grows in water. Also known as singhara, water chestnut is an extremely popular snack in India and flour prepared from it is widely used. It has a slightly sweet taste and crunchy and can be eaten raw, fried, grilled, boiled, or sautéed.
Water chestnut is a good source of fibre and has very less fat and sodium content. It is free from cholesterol and gluten and also has detoxifying property. It is highly beneficial and considered great for jaundice, bad appetite and diabetes. Being a nutrient-dense fruit, it contains high amounts of manganese, copper, vitamin B6, fibre, potassium and riboflavin. Consuming it is one of the best ways to cleanse the body and keep it well.
Excellent fibre content
The high fibre content in water chestnut has plenty of health benefits. It aids in digestion, keeps your stomach full, regulates blood sugar levels and cholesterol. Along with that, it also relieves constipation.
Reduces risk of stroke
Water chestnuts are a rich source of potassium which helps in tackling strokes and also reduces the risk of heart ailments, high blood pressure and other related diseases.
Combats inflammation
With great antioxidants such as diosmetin, luteolin, fisetin and tectorigenin, it can repair damaged cells and helps reducing inflammation. This furthers protect the body from different chronic diseases.
Treats UTI
It’s an ideal tool for treating UTI and similar infections. Various enzymes present in water chestnut cleanse the bladder and also disinfect it to some extent.
Stimulates healthy hair growth Since it is filled with vitamin E & B, zinc and potassium, eating water chestnut leads to smooth, shiny and healthy hair. Along with removing toxins, it protects the scalp and locks in moisture in the hair.

Parents often complaint about kids being picky eaters or snackers and not consuming the nutrients that are essential for their mental and physical development. Developing a healthy eating habit in children is very imperative as this will stay with them for a lifetime. A right eating pattern is the key to fight diseases and improve body functioning.
A balanced diet will not only keep ailments at bay but also helps in stabilizing energy, improve brain functioning, lifting mood, maintaining a healthy weight and also preventing mental health condition. Every parent wants to give their child a perfect balanced diet but what exactly should a balanced diet consist, that’s a million dollar question? Let’s find out the right constituents that fuel up a child’s need…
In order to build muscles, tissues and immunity, proteins are mandatory for children. Milk, cheese, tofu, soya, edamame, fish, peanuts, meats, nuts, eggs, etc. are the best source of protein.
Every vitamin is essential for a child’s holistic development as each protein has a significant yet different role to play.
- Vitamin A is important as it helps in maintaining proper vision, repairs tissue, skin and overall growth of a child.
- Vitamin B is essential for production of RBCs and proper functioning of metabolic activities.
- The body’s tool to fight infections, strengthening tissue, muscles and healing power; vitamin C is majorly found in citrus fruits and vegetables such as tomato, broccoli, spinach, etc.
- Vitamin D maintains healthy teeth and bones and helps in absorption of minerals such as calcium. The best way to get adequate amount of vitamin D is sunlight.
Saturated and Trans fats Vegetable and nut oils, meat, dairy products, olives, avocados, etc. contain the essential vitamin E and fatty acids. They are a great source of energy and help the body to utilise other nutrients for body functioning. Healthy fats are the key to brain and nerve growth, especially in children.
For all the energy exhausted in hopping around and tiring activities, a child needs carbohydrates. Carbs come in the form of sugar and starch. Cereals, Rice, Breads, Pasta are the best source of carbohydrates.
Iron helps in building a healthy blood and carries oxygen to the cells in our body making it extremely important for children. Nuts, spinach, whole grains, cereals are some rich sources of iron.
For stronger bones and teeth, make sure a child consumes adequate amount of calcium every day. Dairy products such as milk and curd and leafy vegetables are good source of calcium.
Though making a child eat a balanced diet is herculean task the parents face, but with a few alterations and amendments you can succeed in replacing the child’s junk intake with the best healthy options available. Who doesn’t love a carrot with creamy hummus or baked chips? So, all you need to do is add that twist to the child’s regular meal and witness the magic happening!

Pie, cider or chips, apple has played a protagonist in plentiful dishes. Though most students or professionals will remember apple as their go-to breakfast in their routine, as it’s the healthiest and easiest bite you can grab in the rush. When it comes to nutrition or taste, Apple tick marks almost every box. That’s why they say, an apple a day keeps the doctor away.
Apple is a nutrient-dense, versatile and delicious fruit. It is juicy and crunchy and thus can be used in various recipes or you can savour them stand alone. Since apples are rich in pectin fibre, their consumption regulates blood sugar level, improves heart health and boosts metabolism. The heavy amount of vitamins and minerals in apple keep ailments at bay by boosting immunity. The overall health is regulated by the healthy polyphenol antioxidants which also redefines skin. Apples is associated to numerous health benefits, including improved reduced risk of stroke, high blood pressure, heart disease, obesity, diabetes and some cancers.
Supports weight loss
Studies have shown that people who consume apple slices before their meals end up consuming fewer calories. The pectin fibre in apple lowers body absorption of increased dietary fats, which keeps us satiated and prevents binge-eating unhealthy snacks.
Prevents constipation and diarrhoea
Being rich in fibre, apple decreases the acid reflux and also controls its symptoms. Along with that, soluble fibre slows down the process of glucose digestion thus controlling blood sugar. Whereas, insoluble fibre helps in moving food through the system and relieves constipation.
Healthy heart
Plant chemicals and fibre in apple peel helps in protecting heart and blood vessels. It also lowers cholesterol levels and protects oxidative damage of cells. Also, the high amount of potassium content in apple controls blood pressure and reduces the risk of stroke.
Maintenance a healthy immune system
Apples support and build immunity. The highly anti-inflammatory properties and presence of vitamin C in apple support the immune system and protect the body against the flu. Vitamin C also strengthens the epithelial barrier against pathogens and pollution.
Detoxifies liver
Add apple to your daily diet and detoxify your liver naturally. Instead of going for heavy supplements and diets for liver detoxificatiin; just have apples!

Dry fruits or nuts are best known as energy bombs as they are filled with intense amount of nutrients. They are one of the healthiest replacements to refined sugar, and they are an excellent way to satisfy your cravings. After reading the benefits of these nuts, you may get influenced to replace those unhealthy junk or desserts with a few dry fruits in your diet. A fistful of Nuts is a healthy snack is an extremely dynamic option to stay fit and keep a check on your different ailments.
Not only during festivals, this amazing nut should be a part of your everyday diet. Almonds are one of the most widely consumed dry fruit with numerous health benefits. With its high composition of monounsaturated fatty acids and vitamin E, it helps in maintaining the right cholesterol levels. Magnesium and Potassium present in nuts maintain blood pressure and facilitate effective heart functioning. With high dietary fibre, good fats and protein, almonds satisfy the hunger without consuming fatty food further helping in maintaining weight. Thus, it is considered as an excellent snack option. Almonds also prevents sudden upsurge in blood sugar levels.
The most versatile dry fruit, walnut is packed with bundles of health nutrients. These crunchy nuts are used in different types of salads, dips, sauces, dishes, desserts and of course a great option for regular snacking. With vitamin E, antioxidants and Omega 3 fatty acids, walnuts make an excellent choice for enhancing brain functioning as it reduces stress and calms you. Rich in antioxidants and vitamin B, walnuts fight free radical damage and prevent wrinkles and signs of ageing. Biotin present in walnuts reduces hair fall and also strengthens your hair.
This super delightful iron-rich dry fruit is an ideal and wholesome grub. It’s full of nourishing properties such as fibre, potassium, etc. because of its high iron content; dates are extremely beneficial for people suffering from Anaemia. It boosts energy and helps in revitalising the body as it is high in natural sugar such as fructose, sucrose and glucose. Being an incredible source of fibre and potassium, it relieves constipation and diarrhoea too.
Loaded with Pro-vitamin A, beta carotenoid content and antioxidants, apricot helps in boosting the immune system, enhances vision and gives you a healthy skin by enabling faster regeneration of dead skin cells. Apricot is also known to have anti-cancer properties that inhibit the growth of cancer cells. With high calcium and potassium content, it is an excellent food for strengthening bones.
Cashews Eat it raw or use it in different recipes, the crunchy and buttery cashew is a rich source of iron, phosphorus, copper and magnesium. It helps in smooth functioning of kidney and is considered good for brain. With abundant amounts of antioxidants, vitamin K and vitamin E, cashews maintain a healthy heart and boosts energy. They are also effective in increasing bone strength and increasing blood count thus solving anaemic ailments.

The most popular among the green and leafy vegetables, Spinach is a nutrient-dense leafy, which is full of magnificent qualities. Known as SpinaciaOleracea, it belongs to the amaranth family which is related to beetroots. Spinach is one of the most versatile vegetables in terms of its consumption nature, you can have it in salads, steamed, boiled, sautéed or in curries.
Being a rich source of vitamins A, K and C, it is considered a blessing for our eyes, reduces oxidative stress and regulates blood pressure. Source of exceptionally great nutrients such as calcium, vitamin D, dietary fibre, iron, manganese and magnesium, it is vital for skin, hair, and bone health. A 100 gram of raw spinach contains 91 per cent water, 2.9 grams protein, 3.6 grams carbs, 0.4 grams sugar, 2.2 grams fibre and 0.4 grams fat. Spinach positively regulates the genes involved in metabolism and inflammation. Here are more reasons to add spinach to your diet.
Strong bones
Since spinach has an abundance of Vitamin K, it helps in the production of Osteocalc which is responsible for stabilising calcium in the bones. Eating spinach along with other green veggies is good for bone mass.
Supports your eyesight and immune system
Beta carotene, lutein, zeaxanthin and chlorophyll present in Spinach improve eyesight and helps in boosting the immune system. Macula, a part of the retina stores lutein and zeaxanthin that work as a natural sunblock and protect the eyes from harmful rays. Thus consuming spinach decreases the risk of macular degeneration.
Maintains brain health
The anti-inflammatory properties of spinach protect the brain and improve brain functioning to some extent. Studies suggest that consumption of spinach decreases the rate of cognitive decline.
Prevents bacteria and viruses
The high amount of vitamin A in spinach helps to repel various kinds of bacteria and viruses on our skin and mucous membranes. In order to keep our hair moisturised, vitamin A is essential for sebum production. It is considered phenomenal for the growth of skin and hair tissues. So eat spinach and keep hair problems and infections at bay.
Promotes heart health
Vitamin C in spinach has the capability to inhibit cardiovascular diseases. The presence of lutein in spinach prevents thickening of the walls of arteries and reduces the risk of cardio attack. Nitrite present in spinach regulates heart functioning thus helping in curing heart diseases related to fat deposition.
Revitaliser Required composition of magnesium in spinach helps in generating energy for your daily life activities. The constituent Folate in Spinach helps in converting your food into usable energy, thus keeping you active.

Vegan or plant-based diet is becoming a prevalent regime these days. It excludes all animal products or animal-based ingredients such as meat, eggs and even dairy products. A balanced vegan diet is highly beneficial, nutritious and also helps in weight loss. It is also considered as a sustainable diet. A suitable vegan diet includes plenty of fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds for right stability of vitamins, minerals, healthy fats, and protein.
Though celebrities have been advocating the vegan life for years now, in the wake of conscience or responsibility towards the environment, it has gained popularity in recent years. Now, that you’re acquainted with vegan diet, let us explore the actual benefits of this plant-based diet.
Way of life
Veganism is considered a way of life as people who choose this, not only opt for the diet but also eradicate the use of animal-based products such as clothes, makeup, medications, etc. Any material that exploits or nature and living organisms in any form is completely off-bound in veganism.
Healthy Heart
Animal products such as meat, cheese, butter, etc have a high level of saturated fats, which increase cholesterol levels in our body. Also, animal products contain relatively very little or no fibre at all. It’s not a very healthy option for the heart.
Catalysis weight loss
Studies have revealed that vegan diet is more effective for weight loss than semi or pesco-vegetarian diet. Since animal-based diet is high in calories, it can lead to weight gain. Replacing them with plant-based diet gives your body the exact amount of nutrition with lesser amount of calories.
Goodwill of animals and planet
It’s been observed that the plant-based diet reduces water wastage, deforestation, greenhouse gas emissions and other negative side effects caused to the environment by meat productions.
Diminishes the risk of diabetes Opting a plant-based diet can reduce the risk of growing diabetes and can also reverse the disease completely. Studies have proven that people consuming fruits, vegetables and nuts have a lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes by 60 per cent.

Incredibly succulent red peppers can make any dish look enticing and taste delicious. It is one of the most flexible vegetables that you will find in gazillions of dishes worldwide. Salads, Pizzas, Pasta, and curries are incomplete without this colourful, delicious, non-spicy chilli. Being the smarter sibling of green pepper or capsicum, red bell pepper has double the amount of Vitamin C and ten times the Vitamin A comparatively.
Red bell pepper belongs to the species Capsicum annuum and consists of 94 per cent water, 5 per cent carbohydrates and very little amounts of protein and fat. Besides vitamin A and C, it contains ample amount of niacin, folate, riboflavin, vitamins B2, B6 and E. High amount of iron, magnesium, potassium and manganese are also found in red bell pepper.
Powerful antioxidants
Red bell peppers are full of antioxidants that fight cell damage and boost immunity along with anti-inflammatory properties. With a sufficient amount of Vitamin A and C, they make an excellent healthy choice. Lycopene present in red bell pepper prevents cancers of lung and prostrate among others.
Maintains a healthy heart
Red bell pepper is known to reduce the level of high cholesterol and triglycerides. It is also effective in regulating heart rate and blood pressure. Regular intake of this healthy vegetable improves platelet count and clotting.
Deal with gastrointestinal issues
It can activate peristaltic movement in the intestine by flushing out waste and improving appetite. It is also helpful relieving the issues related to flatulence.
Pumps immunity
With eradicating inflammation, presence of vitamin A, C and beta-carotene in red bell pepper helps in boosting immunity. It is responsible for increasing body temperature and pushing metabolism. Along with that it also removes toxins from the body.
Effective for Eye and Skin Health
The high amount of vitamin A and beta-carotene present in red bell pepper provides good support to our vision and overall eye health. It is also highly beneficial for healing wounds, supporting cells, etc.

Warm soup, hot chocolate, sarso ka saag and beetroot kebabs, winter are here with its scrumptious gastronomic delights. This season is all about being a little more indulgent and delicious healthy set of choices. Along with the cold breeze and dew drops, winters bring along cold and flu, thus we have all the more reason to take care of our immunity system by eating a healthy diet. An array of colourful, flavoursome vegetables and fruits available in the season not only look good but are a rich source of vitamins and minerals.
Winters have a great variety of fresh produce available in abundance when it comes to vegetables and fruits. Keep reading ahead to know about the wholesome, vitamin-rich, best cold-weather food items you should stock up.
Dry fruits or Nuts
Dry fruits such as Cashews, pistachio, dates, almonds and walnuts are an essential cold weather diet. They will keep your body warm and provide your body the right amount of energy. Besides generating heat within the body, nuts have numerous health benefits such as ensuring an active nervous system, healthy heart functioning, improving sensitivity to insulin and much more.
Turnip and Its Leaves
An excellent anti-oxidant that helps in combating diseases and keeping your heart healthy, Turnip and its leaves are a rich source of vitamin K and Vitamin A. It helps in strengthening your bones and also improves your digestion.
Considering honey is warm in nature, it helps in keeping our body warm too in the chilling weather. Use it in your drinks, desserts or simply add it in warm water, its highly beneficial for your healthy body and strengthening your immune system keeping cold and flu at bay.
Packed with antioxidant beta-carotene, thiamine, vitamin B6 and Vitamin C, Carrot contains most of the minerals that our body requires to stay healthy and fit. Minerals such as fiber, manganese and potassium are found in abundance in carrots. The potassium in carrots maintains the moisture content in our skin during the dry winters. It’s considered great for eyes, heart, liver and particularly skin.
An extremely delicious vegetable that offers plenty of health benefits, Beetroot contains high amount of iron, vitamin A, B6 and other important minerals. These nutrients help in detoxification of liver, prevention from heart diseases and increases WBCs. So add it to your dips, salads or soups and enjoy the winter chills.
Most popular among the leafy vegetables, Spinach is the powerhouse of nutrients. It contains crucial vitamins such as A, B, C, E, K and vital minerals such as zinc, magnesium and huge amounts of iron that is necessary for the RBCs in the body. It is highly beneficial for boosting immunity, vision, abdominal distress, cellular functions and weight loss.
These excellent choices of food will not only help you keep warm these winters but will also boost your energy and help you withstand common cold and flu so you can enjoy the cold weather without worrying about your health.

No religious affair or ceremony is possible in India without its presence. Yes! You guessed it right, it’s ‘Coconut’. It is often perceived as the holy fruit in Hindu culture, not only does coconut symbolise ‘cleansing’ but has plenty of health benefits as well, that do wonders to your body. Scientifically known as Cocosnucifera, it is found majorly in tropical regions in India such as Kerela, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh. It is highly popular because of its incredible properties and refreshing taste.
With several significant proteins, minerals and some amount of vitamin B, Coconuts are rich in manganese, copper, selenium and iron. These are essential for bone health and the metabolism of proteins, carbohydrates and cholesterol. There are over hundred species of the fruit that are found in India, so let’s find out its marvellous properties:
Improves cholesterol:
It helps in maintaining blood cholesterol level in the body and reduces the risk of heart diseases. Coconut consists of saturated fats which develops good cholesterol and controls the LDL to a gentle sub type.
Keeps the body hydrated:
Coconut water has every potential electrolyte that your body requires and is considered the most important source of electrolytes. While replacing the lost electrolytes, it provides hydration and increases immune response. Thus, it is also an alternative to water as it is tastier and is loaded with nutrition. Along with keeping your body hydrated, it helps in optimal functioning of nerves and muscles.
High in fibre:
With a high fibrous content amounting to almost 61%, coconut helps in conversion of glucose into energy. It comforts the functioning of pancreases and enzyme system, which further decreases the risk of developing diabetes.
Controls diabetes:
Since coconut progresses insulin and functioning of blood glucose, it controls diabetes by controlling blood sugar levels in an appropriate manner. The slowdown further helps in decreasing glycaemic hunger.
Good for digestion
Coconut helps in absorption of nutrients and minerals while providing dietetic fibre. It improves the working of the digestive system and also relieves bowel disorders. Since it is a rich source of various minerals and nutrients along with fibre, it decreases nausea as well. It is a natural treatment for urinary tract infections owing to its natural diuretic property.
Powerhouse of Antioxidant:
As coconuts comprise potent antioxidants, it protects cells from oxidative destruction. Coconut meat has phenolic compounds which are considered highly antioxidant in nature. The phenolic compounds include gallic acid, caffeic acid, salicylic acid and p-coumaric acid.
Prevents skin cancer:
Coconut is extremely popular when it comes to skin and hair care. It is widely used as a moisturiser as it hydrates skin by refilling natural oils. At the same time, it protects our skin from the harsh ultraviolet rays. Coconut oil is used as a cleanser as well. High concentration of antioxidants present in coconut slows the ageing process making you look more youthful and supple. It helps in diminishing the outbreak of skin problems and rashes.
For order Coconut online visit the website : www.farmersfamily.in